SIDE ONE "The Hand is Quicker than the Eye" was Joshua's debut to the world. By 1982 Joshua had already established themselves as a successful club act on the Hollywood set, selling out clubs with bands like Great White and Ratt opening for them. The original six song EP revealed a shredder guitar player. However, Joshua's debut wasn't really a heavy metal record. "The Hander is Quicker than the Eye" was six songs of melodic, radio-friendly, hard rock. Vocalist Stephen Fontaine had a smooth, clean voice that reminds me slightly of Glenn Hughes. Fontaine later went on to work with Uriah Heep. Opening track "Falling Again" is a poppy melodic hard rock number that really doesn't display much of Joshua's axe work. With the next track, "November is Going Away" we are treated to a few seconds of Perahia's quick fingers before the song breaks into a melodic, bluesy, semi- ballad. "November is Going Away" was chosen as the single for this album and became a number one hit in Japan. It was this song that had Burrn! Magazine declaring Joshua to be "The World's Fastest Guitarist." "Sweet Lil Hurricane" could have easily been a big radio hit. This upbeat rocker has a 70's vibe complete with an organ solo, smokin' guitar solo and a killer hook. Unfortunately the planets weren't aligned and the song and album went unnoticed. Side two sported "Let's Breakaway", another melodic hard rocker sporting some crunchy guitar work that is masked slightly by the keyboards. "Broken Dream" is a slightly harder rocking track that opens with some choice chops only to again break into a radio friendly pop-metal number. Much like "Sweet Lil' Hurricane", this song sports a great hook and a heavy guitar tone that again is masked by those pesky keys. "Flying High" takes the band back to that 70's AOR sound, complete with a Hammond keyboard sound and some funky bass playing. I personally think that the song writing on "The Hand is Quicker than the Eye" were a step ahead of the times. My only complaint is that I think the overall sound of the album could have been more guitar driven and less saturated with keyboards. Regardless, "The Hand Is Quicker than the Eye" marks the debut of one of the world's best unknown shredders. The CD versions of "The Hander is Quicker than the Eye" have two songs not on the original vinyl release including the ballad "A Song for Lisa" and melodic rocker "Portrait of a Woman". In 2001 "The Hand..." was re-released on CD by M&K Sound with an "improved" sound, probably due to new mastering. The cover art was altered slightly as well. While the illustration remained the same, the Joshua logo was removed and replaced by Joshua Perahia centered at the top of the art. ![]() ![]() Joshua - Surrender (FM Revolver) 1985 Joshua - Surrender (Ocean Records) 1992
was Joshua's follow-up to the 1983 EP "The Hand is Quicker than the Eye".
The album featured the line-up of vocalist Jeff Fenholt, guitarist Joshua Perahia,
guitarist/vocalist Ken Tamplin, keyboardist Patrick Bradley, bassist Loren Robinson
and drummer Jo Galletta. The record was originally released in 1985 on Polydor
Records. The album was also released on FM Revolver in the UK (pictured above).
In 1992 the album was finally issued on CD with new cover art (pictured above).
However, the CD is actually a completely different recording from the original
vinyl version. Before re-releasing the album, everything was re-recorded with
the exception of Jeff Fenholt's vocals. Additional guitar solos were added and
some solos changed. The CD reissue also featured the additional track "Show
Me the Way" with Robyn Kyle Basauri (ex-Die
Happy, Red Sea) on vocals. Robyn's
vocals were also added to "Loveshock", replacing Ken
Tamplin. Since that time several other CD re-issues have been released on
various labels, but only the original vinyl release contains the original recording
and mix. The re-recorded album was released on the band's own M&K Sound
in 2001, again with new artwork under the name Joshua Perahia. It was released
once again in 2008, again with new artwork and under the full Joshua Perahia
The Hand is Quicker
than the Eye 1983 This German import is KILLER. Joshua's discs are hard to come by but one day I was checking out stuff in a cd store and found four of these for $2 each. Man, the original price sticker was $25. I bought all four copies and made a killing on the other three with internet trades. Apparently Joshua discs are in high demand. Unfortunately I did not know that when I sold my Ocean Records version of "Surrender" and the German RCA version of "Intense Defense" for $15 each. I have seen "Intense Defense" go for no less than $100 on eBay, Ouch! Someone made off with a good deal from me. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. In any case, Joshua is melodic metal lead by guitar shredder Joshua Perahia, who is the only constant member. Joshua has three excellent lead singers on this disc: Robin Klye (ex-Die Happy, Red Sea), Stephan Fontaine, and Jeff Fenholt, who sang with Black Sabbath for a short spell before becoming a TBN TV preacher. This disc is a nice package as it contains two albums ("The Hand is Quicker than the Eye" & "Surrender") on one gold disc, an extensive booklet with all the original liner notes, photos, and lyrics, and a poster. The entire package is wrapped up in a jewel case that has been gold foil embossed and a nice slipcase. The disc is also a numbered limited edition. Mine is 1872 of 2000. "Heart Full of Soul" is a Yardbirds cover. Well, I finally had the opportunity to see Joshua perform at the 2001 Stryper Expo. Being that I had passes I met Joshua Perahia early before the mob scene and had him sign my cd. He and his band were so blown away that I had this cd. Apparently even they don't have copies and only have it listed on their web site. Anyhow, both these albums have been re-released in the U.S. so they are much easier to get now, but this particular gold disc version is still very rare.
1. "Reach Up"
(4:43) Arguably Joshua's best disc, although some would say that honor goes to "Surrender." "Intense Defense" features the extraordinary vocals of one of my favorite singers, Rob Rock. Anything the man has put his name on has been awesome. "Intense Defense" is no exception. Each and every song is captivating, melodic and well played. Of course Joshua Perahia's guitar solos are fantastic as well, but what really makes this disc stand out above the others, in my opinion, are the vocals and the vocal melodies. Rob is without a doubt the king of melodic metal! Unfortunately this disc was only released in Europe and Japan. In Japan the album yielded several hit singles, including the power ballad "Remembering You", which Joshua Perahia would rerecord on his 2001 release. "Stand Alone" is another stand out cut. Perhaps it's because it is the last song on the CD, but whenever I listenn to this disc, I always have that song stuck in my head for a long time afterwards. This album was produced by Eddie Kramer, who has produced for Kiss, Led Zeppelin, and Jimi Hendrix, along with Dieter Dierks, who has produced albums for bands like Accept, Scorpions and Twisted Sister. I could have kicked myself for selling off my original RCA version years ago. Although I liked it back then, at the time I was so caught up in the heavier thrash and death metal scene that this disc was just collecting dust. Had I known how rare this disc would become, I never would have parted with it. Joshua Perahia obtained the rights to all his other albums except this one, so a re-issue did not happened as it did for all the other Joshua CDs in 2001. Finally in 2003 Night & Day Records in Germany re-release this disc. Comparing it to my CDR copy the mastering is very similar, but the new re-release sounds just a tad bit bassier, whereas the CDR is slightly brighter. Not a big deal at all. I am just glad to finally get a real copy of this classic. 1. "Concrete Jungle"
(4:29) For all intensive purposes, this is Joshua with a new name. Why Joshua Perahia decided to change the name of the band I do not know. In any case, the music follows suite in similar fashion-80's melodic metal with tons of shredding solos and smooth, clean vocals. Available as a German or Japanese import only. On May 20 I had the extreme pleasure of seeing Joshua perform at the Stryper Expo in Azusa, California. At the band's merchandise table they had copies of all Joshua's cd's (except the coveted "Intense Defense.") In anycase, they had the "Chapter One" album as well, but the name of the band was changed to JOSHUA Perahia. The Joshua was in large letters with his last name in smaller letters. This was true of all three of the discs that they had available and the new disc as well. On day two of the festival, the band had at their table 75 pre-release copies of their new album but I didn't buy one as I had already spent more money than I wanted and still needed gas to get home. Darn, and it was a numbered limited edition picture disc. Anyhow, I had the band autograph my M Pire disc and my Double Trouble disc. The band seemed quite surprised that I had these. Apparently most of the band members had not even seen a copy of the "Double Trouble" disc. Autographed by M-Pire bassist Joey Rochrich and guitarist Joshua Perahia. 1. "Let Your Love
Shine Down" (5:56) This is an extremely limited edition picture disk; only 100 were ever made and they were only sold on the second day of the two day Stryper Expo in May 2001. Unfortunately I had run short on funds on that day and did not have the money to purchase this cd, but lucky for me, I have generous friends. My friend Jeff bought a copy and surprised me with it. It's even autographed by the entire band. Thanks Jeff. The CD contains pre-release versions of songs from the new Joshua album "Something to Say", which didn't finally come out until several months after the Expo. The new material is NOT heavy metal, but rather bluesy rock 'n roll with some tendencies towards southern rock as well. Of course the guitar solos are smokin' and the songwriting is strong, as one would expect from such a veteran as Joshua Perahia. The picture above is not my actual CD, although it looks almost identical. This scan was actually obtained from Ebay a few days after the expo. Obviously someone was trying to make a buck on a rarity. I should also mention that the picture is not printed directly on the disc, but is actually printed on an adhesive stock. These discs came directly from the band's studio and were not mass produced. "Remembering You" is a remake of a song from "Intense Defense" album. One other thing I though I would mention about this disc. Isn't it an oxymoron to say this is an "official bootleg"?
"Something to Say" is very different from the melodic pop metal of Joshua's past. Perhaps this is the reason for the name change from just "Joshua" as a band name, to Joshua Perahia. However, I don't think this was meant as a 'solo' disc as long time bassis Joey Rochrich is still present and Joshua does have a full band. In anycase, this disc is a pleasant listen, but is a tad mellower than I would have hoped for. Having heard the pre-release disc from the Stryper Expo, I knew what to expect. Blues-based, melodic rock 'n' roll. The music less polished and a tad more on the blues side of rock, with some incredibly beautiful ballads thrown into the mix. "Remembering You" is a re-recorded, and slightly re-written track from "Intense Defense". Not only do we get one new recording, but two as an acoustic version is added on the end of the disc. Personally I prefer the original version the best, although this may be attributed more to familiariarity than anything else. Lyrically, this disc seems a bit more personal than any Joshua disc from their past. Vocalist Jerry Gabriel has a great voice that many times reminded me of Eric Martin (Mr. Big). As a matter of fact, while playing this disc at work one day, a fellow worker asked if I was listening to Mr. Big. Another comparison might be a slightly more melancholy Badlands. Related