Good & Evil Sunroad - Carved in Stone (Alternative Music) 2013

1. Carved In Time (4:44)
2. Master Of Disaster (3:34)
3. Into The City Lights (4:27)
4. The Only Ones (4:11)
5. Commonplace Heat (5:57)
6. Five Years Wasted (4:00)
7. Mission [instrumental] (4:28)
8. No Need Fantasy (4:10)
9.  Echo Of Your Loving (4:10)
10. Backing Again (4:59)

"Carved in Time" is the fifth album from Goiania, Brazil’s Sunroad. The sound is melodic metal falling in lines with the likes of Pretty Maids and Germany's Bonfire. I've not heard the band's first four albums so I cannot compare this to what has come before it, but "Carved in Stone" is a fine slab of melodic hard rock. Some the best melodic rock albums are built around heavy guitars, smoking guitar solos and big hooks. Sunroad has most of this going for them, though not every song is as strong as the next. The title track sets the mood and is a straight-forward rocker with a good hook. Frankly I think that "Five Years Wasted" might have been a stronger opener as it's a bit heavier and falls closer to a power metal sound. "Commonplace Heat" is another standout track featuring a duet between male vocalist Haarion Vex and female vocalist Olivia Bayer. Album closer "Backing Again" showcases a lighter side of the band, being a ballad of sorts, mixing heavier moments with the more mellow passages and some fine vocal melodies. Vex gives a solid performance throughout with a mostly mid-ranged style hinting of bluesy edge and grit. Overall  "Carved in Stone" is a solid slab of rock 'n' roll with uplifting and thought provoking lyrics.

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